Axe falls on Green Home Grants scheme
After numerous problems in its implementation, the government’s Green Homes Grant scheme was cancelled on March 31 with little warning.
Landlords set to return to ‘Rule of Six’ as lockdown restrictions slowly ease
While the government proceeds with its roadmap for moving on out of lockdown, welcome news arrives with the revision of the official guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities.
Highbrow uni towns have high rents but achieve low yields
Towns that have what are considered the UK’s top tier of universities (Russel Group universities) – can demand the highest rents but yields in general are disappointing.
Based on a survey from UniHomes, returns from a property nearby to 24 Russell Group institutions average £296 per week.
Tenant punished for illegal subletting and breaking fire safety rules
The repercussions of what happens if a tenant is caught illegally subletting a property has been brought into stark contrast recently in a London-based case.
Renting a four-bedroom flat from a landlord in 2017, Sonia Nascimento went on to sublet it to other tenants for a profit In a blatant disregard to the processes and law.
Are people ready to return to the office?
In a recent article from the BBC, Howard Dawber, head of strategy at Canary Wharf Group, has said he feels that’s exactly the position the office workforce of the UK is now in.